Wait, it's been HOW LONG since I blogged?
I'd like to blame it on the fact that I was abducted and forced to watch forty fafillion episodes of One Day at a Time and Maude or that I've been in a drug-induced coma because I've developed a huffing problem, but ALAS, I AM JUST THE LAZIEST HOOR ON THE PLANET.
So, hmmm, quick re-cap:
Work, children going to and fro, one of the husband's stores burnt down, flew to Oklahoma to visit this hoor, went to Lexington, two birthdays, Christmas, got a virus, spent almost three weeks in bed, ear infection, more weight loss, children to and fro, stomach issues re-surge, xrays, labwork, test, watched 17 million epis of CSI, test, test.
So, yeahhhhhhhhh...
GOOD TIMES, BAYBEE. (Well, the Okie trip was the most excellent part.)
*TOTAL DIGRESSION: Don't ever try and search for @akaMonty's blog with the search term "brain soup" because Google will serve up (heh) a most disgusting image of brains delicately floating in soup. GAG.*
Anyway, over the past week, I caught my daughter's cold and I started to spiral back into WHYLORDMEWHYSICKAGAINBOOHOOPOORME and then I took some Cold FX (That stuff is made of teh awesome, interwebz) and I realized I need to snap the fuck out of my funk.
Over the past few days, I have been making plans! Making changes! And getting out of this rut. I have to get back into telling My Dear Internets my shiz and stop letting myself mull it over in the wee hours any more. I am so over insomnia. It's so 2000 and late.
I have to get myself healthy and get my life back. Remember when I used to lunch? Shop? Tolerate the husband's amorous advances? Make fun of stupid people?
Me neither. it's been too long.
Today, that ends.
I just signed up for a yoga class (SHUT IT) today. I need to get out and be around people. I'm not ready to get back into tennis, but I can certainly go to lunch and imbibe in the wine, so I haz made some plans with some girliez.
Am still unsure of what all these tests are going to reveal, but sitting around feeling sorry for myself is bad for my brain and for my skin tone.
Which reminds me...mama needs some new shoes.