Have I mentioned how much I hate this stupid stomach business? Oh, right, I have. Well, on the weekend, I decided to give up wheat for a month, while I wait for all these test results to come in. I'm on Day Five and although I am still having cramps and that other unpleasant stuff, I am way more alert and not so damn tired. And this is after last night's shitty sleep because Emmie had a fever and screamed all night and the husband's phone rang a fafillion times.
But looky! I am up and awake! And that's all that counts.
So anyway, it's probably psychosomatic that I feel better, but at this point I will take what I can get.
Today, we are going to register Emmersen for SCHOOL. Real junior kindergarten for MAH BABEH. *SOB* [omggg, I can't wait! whoohoo!] I can't believe that she's going to school this year. She's been very ambivalent about the whole "school" thing, especially because she has it MADE here at home. Snacks whenever, pants on, pants off, no sharing, suhh-weeet. But I know she's going to love school, just like her older sister. The boys? Not so much.
The other day, Emmie and Mackie were in hanging out together in the bedroom and I suddenly hear Emmie belting out, "So I put my hands up, they're playing my song, the butterflies fly awaaaay," and I ran to get the video camera and then it was OVAH and I missed it, but holy fuck, it was the cutest thing. Am going to try and coerce Mackie into getting her to do it again just so I can video it.
Had a fab lunch out yesterday. A friend and I went to Mai Vi and we had the best summer rolls. They are so very yummy and I could probably eat them every day, although that would probably be a little weird, not that I haven't done weirder things.
Am trying to make plans to go somewhere, anywhere, as the sickness and the stress about work stuff is making my head explode (That's right, EXPLODE. It regenerates just like that dude from Men in Black.) But trying to finagle the kids and family members going to and fro and have I mentioned the Mothership arrives at the end of the month? GAH! GAH! GAH! My head just exploded again.
I wonder if I can plan on being away when she arrives?
Probably not a good idea.
Question of the Day: Last year, the house across the street was sold and a young guy moved in and started renovating the fuck out of it. New everything. He did it while pretty much living there and having endless streams of his friends over. Every week, though, there is virtually NO garbage put out on garbage day, nor any recycling. The house just recently sold, so I am wondering, will the new owners find the basement buried in garbage? Is the backyard a landfill? Or do I have too much time on my hands to be so worried about my neighbor's garbage?
I am going to go back to fretting about whether my ninja-training classes are going to conflict with yoga.